T.S. Hawthorne Creations


Youthful Brain


Daily exercises to enhance cognition, spark creativity & improve focus.

How does it work?


The Youthful Brain Workbook is a three week workbook packed with exercises to increase creativity and focus and keep your mind sharp. The exercises are designed to enhance your daily life and not disrupt it. They are easy to incorporate into your day.


This is not a textbook full of theories or author ramblings… You start the exercises on day one and start to reap the benefits immediately. We all have an abundance of disruptions in our lives, so this book was created to improve your life while also enhancing it.


The activities and exercises in The Youthful Brain Workbook give results in stress reduction, increased creativity, improved cognition, and can help you be more productive. The Workbook can be used over and over again, pulled out when needed, and your favorite exercises can be earmarked and incorporated into your daily routine.

Coming Soon:

Youthful Brain

Playing Cards

  • Randomize your daily exercises.
  • Play with family members and friends.
  • You decide how many exercises to do, from 1 to 50!
  • Subscribe below to be the first to know when the cards are available for purchase.


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